Today's Headlines
Business Is Booming for Monday’s Headlines
Business owners often fret when a bike lane is installed nearby, especially if it involves removing parking. But they shouldn't.
Friday’s Headlines Gotta Keep ‘Em Separated
Want more people to bike and fewer people to drive? Give cyclists protected bike lanes.
Thursday’s Headlines Mean Less Than Zero
As cities continue to replace diesel buses with zero-emissions models, fuel cell-powered buses are becoming more popular than their battery-electric counterparts.
Wednesday’s Headlines Wonder, Where Have You Gone, Amtrak Joe?
As president, Joe Biden has boosted rail and transit spending, but not nearly as much as some supporters hoped, and roads still reign supreme.
Tuesday’s Headlines Look for a Home
The federal government could help families save money by providing more funding for housing near transit.
Monday’s Headlines Don’t Throw Money at Roads
States are flush with cash from the bipartisan infrastructure bill, but they've opted to spend most of it on roads and bridges, and very little on transit.
Friday’s Headlines Have Questions
What's an optimal rebate to get people to buy e-bikes without wasting money on those who were going to buy one anyway?
Thursday’s Headlines Walk on By
Giving more space to walking and biking is one of the keys to reversing climate change, a new study finds.
Wednesday’s Headlines Escalated Quickly
There's no question that building more bike lanes encourages more people to bike. But how you sell the public on them matters.
Tuesday’s Headlines Are Distracted
Distracted driving rose 20 percent during the pandemic, with U.S. drivers using their phones during 58 percent of trips, according to data collected for insurance companies.