Today's Headlines
Monday’s Headlines Care About Safety
Traffic safety is a priority for more than 90 percent of Americans, according to a recent poll, and most of those would even be willing to pay higher taxes to fund it.
Friday’s Headlines Are Ready to Fight
Younger urban residents are banding together to fight freeway projects like the new Brent Spence Bridge in Cincinnati, just like their forebears.
Thursday’s Headlines Are Stuck Inside
How safer streets can get kids off the couch and into the fresh air, plus more in headlines.
Wednesday’s Headlines About the Biggest Boondoggles
Why are we still expanding highways in the year of our lord, 2023?
All Aboard Tuesday’s Headlines
From brand-new train cars to better service on the coasts and in the Upper Midwest, Amtrak is experiencing a renaissance, thanks to federal infrastructure spending.
Monday’s Headlines Are E-xcited About E-Bikes
The National Association of City Transportation Officials reports that bikeshare ridership topped 72 million in 2022, but shared e-scooters have not recovered as well from the pandemic.
Friday’s Headlines Cap and Train
A simple new strategy to increase ridership, and more in headlines.
Thursday’s Headlines Narrow Our Options
A multimodal vehicle sharing outfit becomes yet another app-taxi.
Wednesday’s Headlines Have a Complete Vision
Pedestrian deaths soared by 77 percent between 2010 and 2021. Is the Biden administration taking it seriously?
Tuesday’s Headlines Refuse to Turn Right on Red
The U.S. is one of the few places to allow right turns on red in a misguided effort to save gas, but many cities are now reconsidering the deadly policy.