Trump Withdraws Federal Approval for NYC’s Congestion Pricing, Blowing $15B Hole in Transit Budget
Cloaking itself in the mantle of concern for the "working class," the Trump administration has withdrawn the Biden-era federal approval for congestion pricing, cutting funding for billions of dollars in repairs to the region's transit network.
Are We Starting to Treat Plane Crashes The Way We Treat Car Crashes?
As aviation disasters pile up, is America in the midst of a culture shift in transportation safety — and what would that mean for advocates on the ground?
This week's headlines
Wednesday’s Headlines Are Bussin’
Intercity bus travel is back, baby! States like Virginia and Maine are adding service, and so are private operators.
Tuesday’s Headlines Keep on Pedaling
Bikelash continues and may have even gotten worse, despite all the evidence that opponents' arguments are hogwash.
Monday’s Headlines Have New Priorities
President Trump and other Republicans are out to discourage electric vehicle ownership and build more highways as quickly as they can.
Friday’s Headlines Let There Be Light
Pedestrian deaths are most common at night and on multilane roads, according to AAA, and the most at risk are people who may not be able to afford cars.
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Two Videos for Those Mourning and Missing Donald Shoup
For anyone that can’t get enough of "parking rock star" Donald Shoup, take a minute to remember him with these two short videos.
Cities Have One Less Excuse Not To Install Accessible Pedestrian Signals
America has new accessibility guidelines for public streets, but that doesn't mean that they're being implemented everywhere. A new cheap, fast signal technology hopes to get them off the shelf.
Thursday’s Headlines Punch Themselves in the Face
President Trump's attempts to impound the Biden administration's clean energy spending will result in thousands of layoffs in the "battery belt" encompassing Southern and Midwestern red and swing states.
NYC-Style Congestion Pricing Would Be Great For Chicago, Too
Why shouldn't Chicago also reap the safety, environmental, equity, and efficiency benefits of less driving?
Op-Ed: Equitable Transportation Research Makes America Great. So Why Is the Trump Admin Hollowing It Out?
Allowing political considerations to hollow out and cancel ongoing research is not only harmful to whatever domain the administration deems a threat, but it sets an alarming precedent for research at large, setting us on a path leading backward rather than forward.
Don’t Keep Wednesday’s Headlines Hanging
Is President Trump really going to kill congestion pricing? If so, how? And why?
This App Could Make D.C. One of the Most Accessible Transit Networks In the World
A new app makes it possible for people with visual impairments to navigate the deepest reaches of D.C.'s underground transit network – and it could have benefits for other riders, too.
The Missing Ingredients in America’s ‘Minimobility’ Revolution
Cargo trikes, GEMs, bike rickshaws, and other light electric vehicles could help wean America off cars — but a new grant that could help cities encourage their adoption is being paused by the Trump administration.
Who Benefits from Trump ‘Birthrate’ Funding Scheme? Wealthier, Whiter Drivers
This prioritization lacks evidence of how it will meet the memo’s stated purpose to “bolster the American economy and benefit the American people.”
Tuesday’s Headlines Man the Barricades
After the deadly New Year's Eve truck attack in New Orleans, how can cities better protect pedestrians from increasingly heavy and powerful vehicles?