Op-Ed: Reviewing America’s First (and Last?) Federal ‘Reconnecting Communities’ Pilot
The Biden administration exhausted the funds of the first-in-the-nation Reconnecting Communities program before they left office. But how did they spend the money — and what can we learn about how to do better next time, if advocates ever get another bite at the apple?
Commentary: A Reflection on the Election, and What Comes Next
"I’m not positive where this country is going, but I have every intention of moving forward, to push for a world where everyone has an equitable shot at defining and living the life they so choose to."
Report: Confronting Car Dependence Won’t Just Help With Climate Change; It’s a $6.2 Trillion Opportunity
Making driving truly optional can save the planet — and save American households trillions of dollars.
Is America Ready for the Equity Impacts of the AV Revolution?
As high-profile crashes with driverless cars make headlines, should policymakers be paying attention to the less-discussed impacts of the AV revolution — especially for society's most marginalized?
Rail Reflections from the California Zephyr
"Train travel connects you with your surroundings in a way that flying over states or driving in an individual car cannot."
New Transportation Equity Dashboard Finds Some Cities Trailing
"[Chicago transit is] falling behind in a post-COVID world," the report's creators say.
Three-Quarters of Black Motorists Are Struggling With the Cost of Car Ownership
Forcing everyone to rely on cars hurts millions of U.S. families financially — but for Black families, the burden is far worse.
‘Transit Hardship’: Report Shows Why Fair Fares Must Be Expanded to More Workers
A new report on transit fares has found that more than one-in-five moderate-income residents is “affordability hardship.”
Why Jaywalking Reform Is an Unhoused Rights Issue
A stunning 41 percent of jaywalking stops in Washington state involve an unhoused person. And no one knows how bad the problem is in the rest of America.
Talking Headways Podcast: Organizing and Data that Create Wins
Let's talk about building transit, looking at eviction data, and analyzing commercial displacement.