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Kea Wilson

Kea Wilson is Senior Editor for Streetsblog USA. She has more than a dozen years experience as a writer telling emotional, urgent and actionable stories that motivate average Americans to get involved in making their cities better places. She is also a novelist, cyclist, and affordable housing advocate. She previously worked at Strong Towns, and currently lives in St. Louis, MO. Kea can be reached at or on Twitter @streetsblogkea. Please reach out to her with tips and submissions.

Latest Pedestrian and Cyclist Fatality Stats Are Deadly Déja-Vu

America's minuscule dip in overall deaths is being offset by record-setting fatalities among the most vulnerable.

April 2, 2024

Study: Fentanyl Use Rising on the Roads — But No One Knows How Much

Fentanyl-linked car crashes seem to be increasing — but testing isn't, and neither are solutions.

April 2, 2024

Why We Care About Some Transportation Tragedies More Than Others

Why do we respond to major transportation disasters with so much urgency — and why don't we count our collective car crash epidemic among them?

March 28, 2024

Survey Says: American Walking Data Is Getting Worse

The National Household Travel Survey has never given a full picture of how often Americans get around on foot. But a recent change in methodology may have made made matters worse.

March 27, 2024

Study: How Car Ownership is Keeping Americans From Financial Stability

As car costs continue to surge, American drivers are taking drastic measures to stay on the road — with troubling societal implications.

March 25, 2024

Is Automated Enforcement Making U.S. Cities Safer or Just Raising Revenue?

Cities should treat automated enforcement as a temporary tool as they build out holistically safe places.

March 20, 2024

Want a Better 15-Minute City? Ask Residents What They Really Want

A new study from Bogotá models how other cities can ask a deeper set of questions about how to put essential needs within walking, biking or transit distance.

March 19, 2024

How — and Why — To Start a Neighborhood E-Bike Library

American advocates are loaning out e-bikes to their neighbors — and creating flocks of new riders.

March 18, 2024

What Urbanists’ Doug Burgum Lovefest Reveals About the ‘Why’ Behind Our Advocacy

I am far less interested in talking about Gov. Doug Burgum's politics than talking about his values, and how those values shape his urbanism, and thus the actual lives of the people he governs.

March 15, 2024

Mixed Reviews for ‘Reconnecting Communities’ Grants

The Biden Administration funded some very worthy projects, but there were also a few head-scratchers in there.

March 14, 2024