Safe System Approach
What’s Missing From the Safe Systems Approach
Safe streets, road users, speeds, vehicles, and post-crash care have long been held up as the five pillars of the "safe systems" approach to ending road deaths. One state DOT, though, recently added a sixth one — and their outgoing secretary thinks it's key to saving lives.
Why We Care About Some Transportation Tragedies More Than Others
Why do we respond to major transportation disasters with so much urgency — and why don't we count our collective car crash epidemic among them?
Why ‘Safe Systems’ Are Not Enough to End Road Violence
Two years into the National Roadway Safety Strategy, why hasn't America made more progress towards Vision Zero?
Feds, Advocates Talk About What’s In The New MUTCD (And What Isn’t)!
The new MUTCD isn't the revolutionary rethink advocates were asking for, but it does offer transportation officials more flexibility to design roads safely. The only question is whether they'll take it — or stick to the status quo.