Blake Aued
Blake Aued has been doing Streetsblog’s daily national news digest for years. He’s also an Atlanta Braves fan, which enrages his editor in New York.
Wednesday’s Headlines Are for the Children
Climate change is forcing schools to give up their playgrounds when we could be giving up our cars, or at least diesel-powered school buses. Learn more in headlines.
Tuesday’s Headlines Came Down With Congestion
People are driving more in 90 out of the 100 largest metro areas in the U.S., according to a new report. Is it time to borrow strategies from Europe to cut those miles? Learn more in headlines.
Monday’s Headlines Got a Little Ol’ Convoy
Using big diesel trucks to make deliveries in cities isn't great for the environment or the streets, but there are alternatives, as outlined by Transportation for America.
Friday’s Headlines Debate the Debate
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump got one measly question related to climate change during the debate, and Slate wasn't impressed by either's answer. Learn more in today's headlines.
Thursday’s Headlines Walk on the Wild Side
Federal regulators may soon consider how safe cars are for people outside the vehicle as well as inside. Imagine that!
Wednesday’s Headlines Need Waymo Evidence on Robotaxis
New data from Waymo seems to indicate its self-driving cars are getting safer. But wait until you hear about Tesla.
Monday’s Headlines Are Behind the Eight Ball
A recently awarded round of federal street safety grants have won some praise — but it's still just a drop in the bucket as pedestrian deaths remain high.
Friday’s Headlines Fought the Law and the Law Won
Next City examines the link between traffic enforcement and traffic safety, and concludes that enforcement is only effective when it targets truly dangerous behavior.
Thursday’s Headlines Miss the Cheese Wagon
School buses are often the main transit service in sprawling areas, but increasingly they're leaving many students behind,
Wednesday’s Headlines Seek Subsidies
The U.S. and other wealthy western nations have wasted $30 billion on climate change mitigation technologies that don't work, according to a Guardian investigation. What kind of sustainable transportation infrastructure could have have bought with that money?