‘A Petition, a Website, and a T-shirt’: Ann Arbor Advocates Share Tips for Fighting Highway Expansions
Ann Arbor advocates helped get a destructive and wasteful highway expansion thrown out — and they have some ideas on how you can, too.
Monday’s Headlines Are Bumper to Bumper
The internet is as congested with articles criticizing New York Gov. Kathy Hochul for killing congestion pricing as Manhattan is with cars.
Friday’s Headlines Got Congested
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul stunned congestion pricing supporters when she blocked implementation in New York City — a move with implications for cities nationwide.
Friday Video: What Is Daylighting, and How Does it Save Lives?
One of the simplest things your city can do to save lives is also the most effective — and it starts at the corner.
Talking Headways Podcast: The Computable City
Michael Batty on histories of computing, smart city critiques, what the discourse on AI should really be about, and discussions on the future of urban forms.
Thursday’s Headlines Get Schooled
Cyclists are often derided as white guys in Spandex, but surveys indicate more women and minority groups would bike if they had access to proper training.
Maryland Vows to Reduce Driving to Save the Climate — And It’s Not Alone
A new executive order will require the Maryland DOT to put VMT reduction at the center of its climate strategy. Which states will follow their lead?
Four Ways that NY Gov. Hochul’s Cancelation of Congestion Pricing is Bad for America
The plan was always controversial, but supporters have rightly pointed out that politicians need to act boldly, lest our society fail to meet its stated goals.
Why So Many Dangerous, Car-Dominated Cities Have ‘Achieved’ Vision Zero
A new report shows hundreds of mid-sized U.S. cities have avoided road deaths for at least a year. That doesn't necessarily mean they're safe.
Wednesday’s Headlines Are Built Different
Human error is not to blame for crashes, according to a former traffic engineer's new book. It's road design that prioritizes speed over safety.