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Today's Headlines

Thursday’s Headlines Get Schooled

Cyclists are often derided as white guys in Spandex, but surveys indicate more women and minority groups would bike if they had access to proper training.

File photo: Gersh Kuntzman
  • Safe bike infrastructure is important, but to close the cycling gap and get more women, older people and other hesitant groups on bikes, free and accessible education programs are also needed. (City Lab)
  • Outgoing U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) was a champion of transportation choice and connectivity. (Mass Transit)
  • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg praised Lancaster's bike lanes during a recent visit to the Pennsylvania city. (Lancaster Online)
  • Commuter rail took a massive hit during the pandemic and in most places has never fully recovered. Boston is the exception. (Route Fifty)
  • Ford's purchase of Detroit's gorgeous abandoned central train station has prompted concerns about gentrification in the once-decaying city on the rebound. (New York Times)
  • After a narrow 2020 defeat, an Atlanta suburb is putting another sales tax initiative back on the ballot to fund transit. (Gwinnett Daily Post)
  • Virginia's latest budget will fund the D.C. Metro, but also lower tolls and widen highways. (Mercury)
  • D.C.'s Connecticut Avenue won't have bike lanes, but it will have on-street parking. (Washingtonian)
  • Traffic calming is coming to Prospect Avenue in Milwaukee. (Urban Milwaukee)
  • Seattle's Sound Transit is lowering its fare recovery goals and opening the door for capping fares for low-income riders. (The Urbanist)
  • If you're a Gen X-er who thought playing Frogger was hard in the 1980s, try doing it now on modern streets. (Polygon)

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