Vision Zero
Why So Many Dangerous, Car-Dominated Cities Have ‘Achieved’ Vision Zero
A new report shows hundreds of mid-sized U.S. cities have avoided road deaths for at least a year. That doesn't necessarily mean they're safe.
Three Unseen Harms of America’s Pedestrian Death Crisis
If 7,500+ dead pedestrians isn't enough inspire change, maybe the ocean of injuries, grieving loved ones and lost opportunities can.
‘We Have the Power To Reshape our Cities’: Hoboken Mayor Reflects on Seven Years of Vision Zero Success
"Change is scary and painful sometimes. And it would be easy to give in and say maybe now is not the time. But it is our duty, as elected officials, public policymakers, and advocates, like many of us here today, to face these challenges head on, and recognize that the status quo doesn’t always cut it."
Commentary: The West Portal Tragedy and the Unfathomable Cost of Motordom
Unrestricted driving, wide forgiving roads, little to no physical infrastructure to force speed reductions, and no real police enforcement—this is the predictable and inevitable result.
Why ‘Safe Systems’ Are Not Enough to End Road Violence
Two years into the National Roadway Safety Strategy, why hasn't America made more progress towards Vision Zero?
Messaging About Vision Zero Matters — Here’s How To Do It Better
Cities across the U.S. are embracing "safe systems" approaches. But are they prepared to sell their residents on those game-changing strategies — much less involve them as meaningful partners?
Five Things to Learn From NYC’s Decade of Vision Zero Successes And Shortcomings
America's oldest city-wide Vision Zero goal is turning 10. What can other cities learn from their experiences?
50 Years Since Nixon’s ‘National Speed Limit’: A Tale of Missed Opportunities
A half-century after the federal government instituted a national maximum speed, setting speed limits that keep all road users safe has become a political battleground.
Die-In Rally Calls on LA Mayor to End Record Traffic Deaths
336 people were killed in L.A. City traffic crashes in 2023 — the highest total in over 20 years. Safe streets advocates are urging the city to take Vision Zero seriously.