- Most of the riders transit agencies lost during the pandemic were office workers, and now those agencies have to rethink their strategy of focusing on bringing people downtown for 8-5 jobs. Problem is, they need to replace commuters' revenue to do so. More frequent night and weekend service for diners and concertgoers might be an answer. (Politico)
- President Biden's climate law has been even more effective than expected in spurring new green jobs. Most of them are in red states whose representatives continue to oppose it. (New York Times)
- McKinsey projects that private car ownership could fall by as much as 30 percent by 2035. (Smart Cities Dive)
- Washington, D.C. would attract more riders by improving transit on K Street than keeping buses fare-free. (Slate)
- The Texas DOT is blocking a road diet in San Antonio, and it might do the same in other cities. (Texas Observer)
- Downtown Phoenix is crawling with driverless cars. When they're not carrying anyone, they go park — but they don't shut themselves off. (Arizona Republic)
- Portland is testing EV delivery zones in front of government buildings. (Bike Portland)
- Chicago's Divvy bikeshare is expanding to the entire city. (Streetsblog CHI)
- Louisiana's lieutenant governor is taking control of Royal Street in New Orleans to ensure it remains a pedestrian mall. (Verite News)
- An Atlanta man is doing a reverse criminal mischief (see: Streetsblog's Gersh Kuntzman) by helping drivers who parked illegally get the boots off their cars. (Fox 5)
- The Michigan DOT got ratioed for suggesting that pedestrians wear neon safety vests instead of, you know, drivers pay attention. (Twitter)
- The Federal Railroad Administration wished a happy Star Wars Day to all who celebrate. (Twitter)
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