- Dems Would Take Government Shutdown Over Loss of Funding For Alternative Cars (WaPo)
- Senate Doesn't Quite Save High-Speed Rail, But Puts It on Life Support (AP, Bloomberg)
- Happy Car-Free Day! (WaPo)
- With Bike Commuting Rates Up Elsewhere, Why Are They Going South in the South? (Atlantic Cities)
- Montreal's Pioneering Bikeshare System Struggles With Costs (CS Monitor)
- Zimride Gets $ For Its Experiment Combining Ride-Sharing With Social Networking (MarketWatch)
- Car Exhaust Can Increase Heart Attack Risk (TreeHugger)
- Interim Texas DOT Chief Talks Like a Reformer About Transpo Options (Transpo Nation)
- New England Gets $83 Million for Amtrak Improvements (Railway Age)
Today's Headlines
Today’s Headlines
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President Trump and other Republicans are out to discourage electric vehicle ownership and build more highways as quickly as they can.
Sec. Duffy Moves to Rescind Billions for ‘Woke’ Transportation on Feb. 18 — So Advocates Must Speak Up Now
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Friday’s Headlines Let There Be Light
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Friday Video: How America Got Hooked on Cars
CNBC put together a solid 15-minute explainer on car dependency that's perfect for sending to anyone who's never thought about the role of automobility in their life.