Letter from Minneapolis: The Legacy of Highway Construction
Highways were convenient tools to rid the cities of perceived social ills, a mindset deeply embedded in white supremacy. Here's how it played out in two neighborhoods.
Can This Tiny Owl Defeat One of America’s Biggest Highway Projects?
This less-than-pint-sized bird plays a massive role in keeping the Sonoran desert in balance. Now, it could tackle its most fierce opponent yet: the American highway lobby.
Highway Boondoggles 2023: Habitat Devastation in the Hoosier State
Plans for a new 54-mile highway in southern Indiana threaten thousands of acres of forests, farmland and wildlife habitat. So why is Indiana forging ahead anyway?
Highway Boondoggles 2023: Is the BQE the Queen of All Boondoggles?
New York City is set to squander a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix a polluting and outdated highway.
Is Detroit ‘Reconnecting Communities,’ or Missing an Opportunity?
Detroit won a $100-million federal grant to study replacing a highway with a boulevard. Some say the plan doesn't go far enough.
The I-35 Expansion in Austin, Texas Shows Why States Should Never Control Their Own Environmental Review Process
A little-known loophole in federal law allows states like Texas to rubber-stamp their own environmental reviews — even when the projects they're reviewing are harmful highway boondoggles.
White Roads Through Black Bedrooms: How Urban Freeways Cemented Spatial Inequalities
Urban freeways are having a moment of serious reconsideration.
Who Gets Peace and Quiet?: Urban Noise in the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the COVID-19 stay-at-home advisories of 2020, the world quieted. As a community noise researcher, I felt the changes acutely.
How to Reconnect Neighborhoods (and How Not to)
In order to achieve the goal of reconnecting communities, it is important to scrutinize previous attempts at these solutions to learn from past errors.
Highways to Hell: How One Country is Rethinking Road Investment
The Wales Roads Review – an unprecedented examination of whether investment in over fifty local road schemes should continue – signals high-profile change by the Welsh Government, prompted by the climate emergency.