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Highway Expansion

Highway Boondoggles 2023: This Year’s Poster Children for Bad Projects

Once again, transportation funds that could be used to repair streets, roads and bridges are instead diverted into costly, damaging highway expansion projects. Here's this year's list of the worst of the worst.

November 9, 2023

The Nation’s Biggest Anti-Highway Rally In History Is Happening in Texas This Weekend

This Sunday, rally to stop one of the worst highway boondoggles of all!

November 3, 2023

The I-35 Expansion in Austin, Texas Shows Why States Should Never Control Their Own Environmental Review Process

A little-known loophole in federal law allows states like Texas to rubber-stamp their own environmental reviews — even when the projects they're reviewing are harmful highway boondoggles.

October 30, 2023

How to Reconnect Neighborhoods (and How Not to)

In order to achieve the goal of reconnecting communities, it is important to scrutinize previous attempts at these solutions to learn from past errors.

October 11, 2023

Why Democrats and Republicans Alike Keep Expanding Highways

A Democratic governor's controversial decision to pick up a road-widening effort where his Republican predecessor left off is sparking a conversation about why U.S. leaders across party lines keep pushing for the same old harmful highway projects.

September 11, 2023

Twin Cities Advocates Split Over What’s Possible for Their Downtown Highway

Advocates in the Twin Cities agree that I-94 devastated Black communities. But they don't agree on what can — and should — be done about it.

August 10, 2023

‘Multimodal’ LA Freeway-Widening Project Out to Bid with No Multimodal Component

The "multimodal" project scope contains no bicycle or transit components, and, for pedestrians, merely re-installs the existing crosswalk and walk signals at the widened mouth of the off-ramp.

July 26, 2023

Scaled-Back LA Freeway Widening Will No Longer Destroy Residents’ Homes

Metro Senior Director Isidro Pánuco announced that the 605 Corridor Improvement Project will have no residential displacements as it will be kept within existing Caltrans right-of-way.

July 19, 2023

What Would Our Cities Look Like if Their Downtowns Had Not Been Torn Apart for Highways?

A new report lays out how much work still needs to be done to undo the damage of our highway system.

July 14, 2023