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Funding & Finance

This City Leader Wants Drivers to Pay $850/Year To Register Their Cars — And Give The Money To Transit

What if driver had a choice between paying for the equivalent of a yearly bus pass just to register a car, or skipping the DMV and taking the actual bus for free?

May 16, 2024

CalBike: Tell the Legislature Hands Off Active Transportation Funding

Calbike has an action alert that allows its members to write directly to legislators with their feelings on whether or not the ATP funding should be restored before the legislature votes on the budget in June.

February 22, 2024

How Cities Can Get Creative And Invest More in Sustainable Modes

"Act Locally" is a guide that can help local communities find funding to build a more equitable transportation system and fight climate change.

February 15, 2024

Study: Subsidizing Transit Actually Makes It More Efficient

Generations of pundits have argued that operating subsidies enfeeble transit agencies and allow them to run inefficient routes with tons of empty seats. A new study says the opposite is true.

February 5, 2024

Could This Bill Finally Give Transit Agencies the Operations Funding They Need?

Is it finally time for Congress to spend more to keep the buses and trains running?

February 1, 2024