State DOTs
It’s Time For State DOTs to Step Up and Do a Better Job
As federal support for active modes gets clawed back, state DOTs could play a more important role in America's transportation system — and a new report argues they need to innovate.
What’s Missing From the Safe Systems Approach
Safe streets, road users, speeds, vehicles, and post-crash care have long been held up as the five pillars of the "safe systems" approach to ending road deaths. One state DOT, though, recently added a sixth one — and their outgoing secretary thinks it's key to saving lives.
How State DOTs Keep the Public In the Dark About How They Spend Our Transportation Dollars
State DOTs control hundreds of billions of dollars of our transportation funding. Where does it all go — and what do we actually get for it?
Talking Headways Podcast: How MPOs Can Help Design Safe Streets
Can federal Metropolitan Planning Organizations help localities build complete streets and create safe bike infrastructure? Yes, but it's hard!
Will the State DOT Support St. Louis’s Sustainable Transportation Surge?
In America cities, state roads are often among the most dangerous. In St. Louis, though, some say the state DOT is becoming a stronger safety partner than ever — and even more could be done to build on the momentum.
‘Legacy Highways’ Are Some of Our Most-Dangerous Stroads — And It’s Time to Fix Them, US DOT Says
States already have the money to retrofit their "orphan highways" to be safer for people outside cars — if they'd just put it to good use.
Data: State DOTs Look Nothing Like the Residents They Serve
Why are state DOTs so overwhelmingly white and male — and what impact does it have on road users who don't share those identities?
Freeway Fighters: ‘Stop the Highway-Expansion Madness,’ New Coalition Demands
"Endless highway expansions are pulling our country into an environmental, budgetary, and public health crisis," the letter states.
Talking Headways Podcast: Making DOTs Measure Emissions
Beth Osbourne joins the podcast to chat about the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measure Rule that will make State DOTs and MPOs measure emissions on the federal highway system.
States, We Need Your Vision to Get to ‘Zero’
State DOTs play a central role in the safety and sustainability of transportation systems because states set policies. Here are two that do it poorly and two that do it well.