Friday Video: This British Cyclist Has Gotten Thousands of Motorists Fined For Dangerous Driving
But is his project doing more harm or good — and would it fly in the U.S.?
Friday Video: How Great a City Can Be with Congestion Pricing
Cities with congestion pricing are great places to live, work, bike and walk. See why.
Everything You Need to Know About Keeping Pedestrians and Bicyclists Safe In Your State, in One Document
Every state legally has to complete a report that shows exactly how it plans to get safer for people on foot and bike — but some do it better than others. A new report breaks down how they could all step up their game.
Friday Video: Why Bad Drivers Are Everywhere
U.S. roads all but guarantee that U.S. drivers will do dangerous things. But how did we get here — and how do we fix it?
What’s Missing From the Safe Systems Approach
Safe streets, road users, speeds, vehicles, and post-crash care have long been held up as the five pillars of the "safe systems" approach to ending road deaths. One state DOT, though, recently added a sixth one — and their outgoing secretary thinks it's key to saving lives.
Friday Video: Even 1950s Disney Knew ‘Car Brain’ Was Real
75 years later, this Disney cartoon about how cars change our way of seeing the world proved shockingly prescient.
Streetsblog Year in Review: The Biggest Sustainable Transport News of 2024
It was a busy year in the movement to end car dependency — and there's a lot more to come.
Friday Video: Traveling Without the Car
City Nerd focuses on the cities where it's easiest to get into town without a car.
How One Mayor Is Cooling Off America’s Hottest City
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego reflects on temporarily losing the ability to drive in her sweltering-hot city, and what her administration is doing to keep people cool outside cars.
Friday Video: A Deep Dive on Toronto’s Ridiculous New Anti-Bike Lane Law
"This selfish, entitled surbanite is willing to let people die for the hope of shaving a few minutes off of his commute."