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Hey, Bike Haters, You Will Lose the Culture War You’re Starting

For some reason, people who choose to get around by car are waging a culture war against people who point out the negatives of auto-centric roadways. But the haters will not prevail.

October 12, 2023

Anti-Fat Bias Harms the Movement for Safe Streets — Particularly for Kids

Why are we only focusing on calorie-burning when advocating for active transport to school? Because of bad research.

October 12, 2023

Road Feels Unsafe? Prove It!

Instead of proactively asserting a right for people to walk and roll safely and conveniently outside of a vehicle, the standards used to determine when and where to put safety infrastructure require people to either risk their bodies or experience harm before any paint or concrete are poured.

October 11, 2023

Wednesday’s Headlines Face Hard Questions

Many U.S. police departments cut back on enforcing traffic laws after the George Floyd uprising. What happened next?

October 11, 2023

How to Reconnect Neighborhoods (and How Not to)

In order to achieve the goal of reconnecting communities, it is important to scrutinize previous attempts at these solutions to learn from past errors.

October 11, 2023

Opinion: NYC E-Bike License Proposal Misses the Mark on Pedestrian Safety

A bill backed by a majority of City Council members would create a bureaucratic nightmare and discourage e-bike use while ignoring the root of the problem: lackluster infrastructure and unsafe work standards.

October 11, 2023

Tuesday’s Headlines Are Seeing Red

Is the gas saved by allowing right on red really worth all the pedestrians who get hurt by inattentive drivers?

October 10, 2023

Top Transit Org Lists the Equity-Focused Projects America Needs Right Now

Advocates are handing their DOTs a list of transformative transit projects that could heal the harms of the past — and a list of boondoggles that deserve to be scrapped.

October 10, 2023

BART’s ‘Tactile Guideways’ Help Visually Impaired People Navigate

Wayfinding on public transit can be challenging enough for people with 20/20 vision. For the blind and visually impaired, tactile and audible cues are essential.

October 9, 2023

Monday’s Headlines Can’t Quit Cars

Even as prices continue to rise, Americans just can't or won't stop buying new cars. And they're biking to work less, too.

October 9, 2023