- "The Absurd Primacy of the Automobile in American Life" (The Atlantic)
- The Dull Corporate Campuses of America's Most Innovative Companies (Fast Company)
- Experts to NHTSA: Self-Driving Cars Not Ready for Public Roads (Auto World News)
- Report: Self-Driving Cars Might Not Be Proven Safe for Decades (San Jose Mercury News)
- Cobb County Approves $10 Million for Bus/Ped Bridge Over Highway to Braves Stadium Site (11 Alive)
- FTA Withholding $20 Million in "Not Safety-Critical" Renovation Funds From D.C. Metro (City Paper)
- Petition Seeks to Kill New Jersey's "Distracted Pedestrian" Bill (Tap Into Morristown)
- Bus Rapid Transit Would Connect Milwaukee to Long-Inaccessible Suburbs (TMJ4)
- San Diego Tests "New Vision" for Streets With Oceanside Road Diet (Voice of San Diego)
- Adding Bike Lane to Important Charleston Bridge Isn't Slowing Traffic Much (Charleston City Paper)
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