Further evidence that seemingly no place is safe from errant drivers in the United States:

Tom Held at the Active Pursuit reports today that an intoxicated woman drove onto a trail in suburban Milwaukee recently. And here's the ironic part: At the time, the trail was hosting a marathon to raise money for research on alcohol and drug abuse.
West Bend police arrested a 33-year-old woman Sunday, after she allegedly drove drunk onto a state trail being used for the Adrenaline Eisenbahn Marathon, a race staged to raise money for the Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse in Washington County.
“Of all things to happen,” said race director Richard Dodd, a recovering alcoholic who has been sober six years. “It shows you why we’re doing what we do. I’m in no position to judge anyone, but it’s not normal behavior and it can’t be tolerated.”
According to police, the woman drove onto the Eisenbahn State Trail from adjacent private property, just south of Baron Ave., about the 25-mile mark of the marathon course. Police responded to calls about the woman about 11 a.m., routed the runners around the car and arrested the driver on suspicion of drunken driving, first offense.
None of the roughly 400 participants in the Eisenbahn Run were injured.
Elsewhere on the Network today: People for Bikes details how Calgary is establishing a network of protected bike lanes in its downtown. Bike Portland reports that a letter from 60 business owners sunk plans for a protected bike lane on a Portland street. And PubliCola peers inside the minds of those who seek to limit housing options in the city of Seattle.