Environmental Justice
Should States Like Texas Be Allowed to Grade Their Own Highway Homework?
A carveout in federal law grants seven states authority to conduct their own environmental assessments on transportation projects. Texas abuses that power, advocates say.
Federal Judge Sets Aside a Key Congestion Pricing Lawsuit
Gov. Hochul's rationale for killing congestion pricing took another blow on Thursday as a federal judge dismissed one of the major lawsuits against it.
National Green Groups Condemn Hochul’s Congestion Pricing ‘Pause’
Had New York engaged congestion pricing, the state would have "played a nation-leading role." Alas.
Letter from Minneapolis: The Legacy of Highway Construction
Highways were convenient tools to rid the cities of perceived social ills, a mindset deeply embedded in white supremacy. Here's how it played out in two neighborhoods.
Is the Environmental Racism of the Past Repeating Itself in Buffalo’s Expressway Project?
The construction of the Kensington Expressway devastated a predominantly Black neighborhood in the 1960s. And some advocates fear a new proposal to cap it won't be much better.
Can This Tiny Owl Defeat One of America’s Biggest Highway Projects?
This less-than-pint-sized bird plays a massive role in keeping the Sonoran desert in balance. Now, it could tackle its most fierce opponent yet: the American highway lobby.
Car Noise Pollution is Worse in Redlined Neighborhoods — And Not Just for Humans
Transportation noise pollution can wreak havoc on wildlife populations, too — and that can have a devastating effect on their human neighbors.
OPINION: Infrastructure Bill Offers Too Little Progress on Climate and Equity
Most of its historic funding is helping to maintain a harmful status quo at a time when we need to address climate change.
To Help Save the Planet, Take the ‘Week Without Driving’ Challenge
Former Sierra Club President Ramón Cruz is urging Americans to give up driving for seven days — and support policies to make it optional for everyone.
Environmental Justice Advocates Sue SoCal Air District over Lax Ozone Pollution Rule
"Our ask to the South Coast AQMD is simple: comply with the Clean Air Act and hold refineries, power plants, and other large polluters accountable for emissions that plague vulnerable communities throughout Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties."