Blake Aued
Blake Aued has been doing Streetsblog’s daily national news digest for years. He’s also an Atlanta Braves fan, which enrages his editor in New York.
Wednesday’s Headlines Smell a Bit Musky
It certainly looks like Tesla CEO Elon Musk will get his money's worth after spending more than a quarter-billion dollars on Donald Trump's campaign.
Tuesday’s Headlines Are Tops
Washington is the No. 1 most bicycle-friendly state in the country, according to the League of American Bicyclists.
Monday’s Incredible Expanding Headlines
Vehicles are getting bigger and heavier, not just in the U.S. now, but overseas, David Zipper reports for Slate.
Friday’s Headlines Are Going Broke
Car ownership is a huge expense, especially for low-income U.S. households, which spend a third of their pre-tax paychecks on transportation, new federal stats show.
Thursday’s Headlines Hold Out Hope
It's not as catchy a slogan as MAGA, but maybe Donald Trump will Make American High-Speed Rail Great For the First Time?
Wednesday’s Headlines Are Staying Put
Cities like Atlanta, Denver and Minneapolis provide blueprints for how transit can improve neighborhoods without pushing people out.
Do Tuesday’s Headlines Live in a 15-Minute City?
Find out how long it takes to walk to stores, restaurants and transit stops in your neighborhood with this Washington Post widget.
The Buck Stops With Monday’s Headlines
Harry Truman was known for whistle-stop campaigning, and interstates are associated with Eisenhower. But that's not entirely true, as the Eno Center explains.
Thursday’s Headlines … Psych!
Getting people out of their cars requires both viable alternatives and something to jolt them out of their habits, according to behavioral scientists.
Wednesday’s Headlines Highlight Public Health
An epidemiologist explains how to make streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians, and more in today's headlines.