How the 10 Freeway Closure is Impacting Transit Riders
As the 10 Freeway closure clogs central L.A. surface streets, Metro and L.A. City claim they are making trains go faster.
For Transportation Workers, Driverless Cars Are an Office Safety Issue
“[We need] federal laws, not just a patchwork of state and local laws across the country."
Talking Headways Podcast: Oh, Deer, We Have to Stop Roadkill
Don't call it "roadkill." Call it "wildlife that we need to protect for them and for us." A very special podcast episode.
Thursday’s Headlines Are Stuck Inside
How safer streets can get kids off the couch and into the fresh air, plus more in headlines.
OPINION: Infrastructure Bill Offers Too Little Progress on Climate and Equity
Most of its historic funding is helping to maintain a harmful status quo at a time when we need to address climate change.
Highway Boondoggles 2023: The Pain in Maine Falls Mainly in … Gorham
Here's a self-defeating new highway that will merely exacerbate suburban sprawl — reinforcing the very conditions that are causing the traffic problems in the first place!
Wednesday’s Headlines About the Biggest Boondoggles
Why are we still expanding highways in the year of our lord, 2023?
New Bill Would Finally Rewrite the ‘Notorious’ MUTCD for Vulnerable Road User Safety
U.S. transportation engineers tend to treat the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices like a bible. A new bill would encourage them to treat it more like a recipe book — and sub out deadly design ingredients when they aren't safe for vulnerable road users.
Study: E-Bikes Can Help Seniors and People With Disabilities — If They Can Overcome Barriers to Riding
There's lots of potential, but anyone hoping to get seniors and the disabled riding must first understand their concerns and barriers.
Complete Streets Survey Results: Californians Are Scared to Use Caltrans Streets
Complete Streets are as far away now as they were when SB 127 was vetoed by Governor Newsom.