- Driverless cars are unproven at best, but they also have the potential to reduce human drivers' carnage. Should they be tested on public streets? Alissa Walker's Curbed article is worth a read no matter which side you're one.
- Bike-shares are just like real estate: It’s all about location, location, location. Almost 80 percent of users are coming from within 1,000 feet of a dock, according to a new study. And more bikes lead to more riders, since some potential users give up on bike-sharing entirely if they can’t find a ride. (Science Daily)
- This year is supposed to be the year cities got serious about improving transit — but it's unlikely to happen, thanks to shortsighted voters, long planning timelines and the Trump administration shifting funding to roads. (Bisnow)
- Women travel differently than men, according to a World Economic Forum study of professional women in Berlin. Because of disparities in pay and societal roles, as well as physical differences, they're more likely to be traveling with kids or stuff, under more time pressure, less likely to look to cars as the default mode and don't feel safe alone. Transit planners should keep this in mind.
- Utility companies are trying to get school districts to switch to electric buses, which are cleaner and save money on fuel, but are more expensive up front. (Axios)
- Fast Company posits that the trends toward ride-hailing and autonomous vehicles will lead to consolidation in the car-making industry and fewer choices for consumers. To which we reply: So what?
- Once considered a luxury, e-bikes might really be a viable mode of transportation for San Francisco residents who want to get rid of their cars. (SF Chronicle)
- Houston's rules against high-density development are likely to stymie transit as well, even though voters overwhelmingly approved an ambitious transit plan in November. (Houston Chronicle)
- Olympia, Washington recently approved fare-free transit (The Olympian). Worcester, Massachusetts (Telegram) and Owensboro, Kentucky (Messenger-Inquirer) could be next.
- Metro Atlanta's new transit agency, the ATL, is developing a payment app that works with all the region's myriad transit systems. (AJC)
- A San Diego planning commissioner who was seriously injured when a driver ran her over a year ago recently released footage of the crash to raise awareness of distracted driving and urge the city to make streets safer. (Union-Tribune)
- Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo is transforming the City of Lights to be friendlier to bikes and more hostile to cars. The result? Cycling is doubling and tripling on newly installed protected bike lanes, and driving is falling for the first time since the 1940s. (City Metric)
- This recently retired Raleigh bus driver deserves at least a gold watch for driving for 38 years and 3 million miles without a wreck. (Spectrum News)
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