- Increasingly more reliable SUVs mean that "Peak Car" isn't here yet, according to a Bloomberg columnist. That means Americans will continue to drive more miles and kill more pedestrians in the years to come.
- Thanks to the growing popularity of e-bikes, which need to be charged, the future of bike-share is likely a hybrid of docked and dockless. (Forbes)
- New York City and Los Angeles are both considering congestion pricing — charging drivers who enter the parts of cities with the heaviest traffic — which is a good idea, says the Eno Center for Transportation. Gov. Andrew Cuomo also wants to tax second homes in New York City to fund transit. (Curbed) Read Streetsblog NYC for more.
- The Washington Post calls Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's gas-tax hike a "model plan" other states should follow, although Streetsblog's Angie Schmitt says it's only making things worse by raising funds for major highway projects when the population isn't growing and transit is suffering.
- An MIT researcher throws cold water on the idea that driverless cars are the future. (Arizona Republic)
- According to KWBE, no one in Nebraska seems to know why drivers are killing more pedestrians. Here's a hint: More people walking, more people biking and more people driving on roads designed only for cars.
- A teen driver in Woodstock, Ga. who killed two women and a child while they crossed the street received three years of probation and had her license suspended for a year. (AJC) Streetsblog USA called for an entirely new way of looking at crashes.
- In case your blood pressure's not high enough yet, K102.5 in Kalamazoo wins the Victim Blamer of the Day award for this piece on Michigan's jaywalking crackdown.
- Streetcar Extra: The Times-Dispatch looks at how long-gone streetcars shaped development in Richmond, Va., in the early 20th Century by making the first suburbs possible. The Spokesman-Review looks back on a furor over a fare hike to 7 cents 100 years ago. Ridership in El Paso, Texas, has seen a sharp dip since the streetcar opened there four months ago. (KVIA) And while the Royals will probably be terrible this year, at least the Kansas City streetcar is rooting for them. (Star)
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