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Mobility Justice

Wisconsin’s Dairy Industry Relies on Undocumented Immigrants, but the State Won’t Let Them Legally Drive

Undocumented immigrants in the state can own and register their vehicles, but they aren’t allowed to drive them, forcing many farm workers to risk fines and arrest. “It’s a Catch-22 for a lot of folks,” advocates say.

Opinion: How Shared Micromobility Can Help the Low-Income

Micromobility can be a tool for economic mobility — but only if it's done right.

August 2, 2023

What Does ‘Inclusive Transportation’ Really Mean?

Transportation 'equity' doesn't mean the same thing to everyone — and a new book argues that understanding why is key to actually achieving it.

August 1, 2023

How Some Traffic Fines and Fees Can Make Our Roads More Dangerous

A new book explores why America's revenue-focused approach to traffic policing isn't making streets safer, while harming the vulnerable people who get caught in its trap.

July 31, 2023

Why American Cities Still Aren’t Accessible After 33 Years of the ADA

The Americans with Disabilities Act has made a positive impact on the built environment — but there's so much more left to be done.

July 26, 2023

How Auto Debt is Holding Millions of Americans In Custody — Sometimes Literally

A new book argues that car dependency is sentencing Americans to a lifetime of extractive debt — and sometimes, literally landing them in jail.

July 24, 2023

This Year’s RAISE Grants Will Help Disadvantaged Communities

A huge share of one of DOT's most important discretionary grant program's funds will go to communities that were historically harmed by transportation investments.

June 29, 2023

Why Small Cities Torn Apart By Highways Need Extra Help to Heal

A new program will help smaller communities start the process of redesigning highways and other transportation investments that tore apart their communities — and shine a light on why it’s so hard for them to do it without outside help

June 12, 2023