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People Walking, Biking, Busing Count — And We Should Count Them, Literally

Crash death statistics alone are not enough for planning safer streets. In cities like St. Louis, though, that's sometimes all we have.

August 7, 2024

SEE IT: How Much (Or How Little) Driving is Going on in America’s Top Metros

Check it out: The lowest-mileage region isn't the one you'd think.

April 16, 2024

Survey Says: American Walking Data Is Getting Worse

The National Household Travel Survey has never given a full picture of how often Americans get around on foot. But a recent change in methodology may have made made matters worse.

March 27, 2024

California Launches New Transportation Equity Tool

The Transportation Equity Index maps out crash rates and creates a new way to map out multimodal access.

March 4, 2024

Alleged Decline In Transportation Trips Is The Result Of Bad Data Analysis

USDOT counted fewer trips in 2022, because it used a different, and less reliable survey method.

January 11, 2024