Gas Taxes Are Going Up; What You Are Getting For Your Money?
Not every project funded by S.B. 1 aligns with California's climate goals, but what drivers are paying at the pump is definitely being spent to improve their travel. News media should adapt their headlines accordingly.
California Will Continue Funding Projects that Induce Driving, Despite State Policy
California's Climate Action Plan for Transportation Investments calls for putting state funding towards projects that reduce vehicle miles traveled. But CTC approved several VMT-inducing projects anyway.
Why Small Cities Torn Apart By Highways Need Extra Help to Heal
A new program will help smaller communities start the process of redesigning highways and other transportation investments that tore apart their communities — and shine a light on why it’s so hard for them to do it without outside help
Freeway Fighters List Their Top Five Needs For 2023
so? Transportation for America and America Walks recently surveyed organizations fighting freeways all across the country to get a better sense of what they need to win, and the results are both inspiring and daunting.