- Facing Lawsuit, Wisconsin DOT Asks Feds to Rescind Approval for Highway Expansion (Gazette)
- Crews Report Good Progress on Bellevue, WA, Light Rail Tunnel (KOMO)
- Kansas City Road Diet Restriping Took So Long It's Already Outdated (Star)
- Dockless Bike-Share Comes to Silver Springs; Other D.C. Suburbs Are Next (Post)
- $200 Million Bond Will Make Raleigh Safer for Walking (News and Observer)
- St. Louis Receives Grant to Calm Notoriously Fast Street (Post-Dispatch)
- California Will No Longer Ticket Jaywalkers During Countdown (Streetsblog Cal)
- Elon, NC, Could Make Every Day PARKing Day (Times-News)
- Minneapolis Driver Wants to Know If It's OK to Hit Jaywalkers (City Pages)
Today's Headlines
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Monday’s Headlines Have New Priorities
President Trump and other Republicans are out to discourage electric vehicle ownership and build more highways as quickly as they can.
Sec. Duffy Moves to Rescind Billions for ‘Woke’ Transportation on Feb. 18 — So Advocates Must Speak Up Now
The U.S. Transportation Secretary has promised to call on Congress to slash vast funding for climate and DEIA.
Friday’s Headlines Let There Be Light
Pedestrian deaths are most common at night and on multilane roads, according to AAA, and the most at risk are people who may not be able to afford cars.
Friday Video: How America Got Hooked on Cars
CNBC put together a solid 15-minute explainer on car dependency that's perfect for sending to anyone who's never thought about the role of automobility in their life.