- House Stays Silent in Funding Debate (The Hill)
- How Senate's MAP-21 Reauthorization Might Affect Cities (Next City)
- Obama Criticizes GOP for Taking Credit on Projects They Wouldn't Fund (The Hill)
- Honolulu Rail Faces Obstacles to Budget, Schedule (Pacific Biz News)
- With Biden's Cleveland Visit, Plain Dealer Looks at Importance of TIGER Grants in Ohio
- 121 Projects Developing Along Twin Cities Green Line (Finance and Commerce)
- Key Senator Supports Phased Gas Tax Increase (Fleet Owner)
- Why Rising Rents Around New Transit Don't Tell the Whole Story (Atlantic Cities)
- Pop-Up Market Gives a Glimpse of Possibilities Along St. Louis Metrolink (St. Louis Public Radio)
- Why Does Everyone Always Low-Ball the Costs of Transpo Projects? (WaPo)
- Google Maps Brings Public Transit Data to UK (BBC)
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