We're down to just four cities: Milwaukee, Dallas, Houston, and Tulsa. But only one can be the champion of Parking Madness, our hunt for the worst parking crater in an American downtown.
Today is a very exciting day, because we're kicking off the Final Four with two venerable parking competitors: Milwaukee and Dallas.
Milwaukee has been holding strong through two contests -- thanks, presumably, to the sheer expanse of its parking crater.
Reader "Aaron from Milwaukee" submitted this area, saying "the desert covers about a half mile south of I-794 to the Milwaukee River, and east of Milwaukee Street."
This wasteland is part of Milwaukee's Third Ward, not far from the lakefront. "It’s acres of parking over the former bustling wholesale food warehouse district, mostly serving eight or nine weekends and 10 full days each year associated with Summerfest and Milwaukee’s various ethnic '-fests,'” Aaron says.
Here's a panned out view that shows this parking travesty's position between the Third Ward and the lakefront.
It's definitely ugly, but is it championship worthy? Let's take a look at the competition.
Here is Dallas. James Howard Kunstler featured this spot in his ongoing "eyesore of the month" series:
Kunstler described this area as “a wilderness of surface parking, freeway ramps, and pointless ambiguous ‘green spaces.’” It's certainly an impressive expanse.
Let us know which one you think is the worst.
[poll id="42"]
Our final Final Four matchup Monday will be Tulsa versus Houston.