We're hearing reports that a deal on the surface transportation bill is imminent. We'll let you know when we hear more. Could it be that the Walz Motion to Instruct lit a fire under the conferees?

Three more motions are about to be voted on, assuming peace doesn't break out first. One, sponsored by Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee, would have spiked a section of the Senate bill that provides grant money to states that enact distracted driving bans. The Senate provision would reward states that enact bans on texting for all drivers and bans on all cell phone use for drivers under the age of 18. Speaking out against these bans is like coming out in favor of drunk driving. It just makes no sense. The motion calls for a study to be conducted instead.
Another MTI in the works, sponsored by Rep. Tim McKinley of West Virginia, would have instructed the conference committee to include in its final report the House provision devolving coal ash regulation to the states, so that the EPA can't treat a hazardous substance as hazardous substance. The House will be voting on this one momentarily.
And the final motion, sponsored by House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, calls on the House to take up the Senate bill.
We'll keep you posted on news of these motions -- and this supposed deal -- as it breaks.