speed governors
Op-Ed: Anti-Speeding Technology Could Have Saved My Son
A new Washington state bill could help end speeding. And similar bills are spreading across the country.
Want to Make Vehicles Safer? Start With These Two Changes to Government and Commercial Fleets
Advocates want the government and private sector to make their vehicle fleets safer — to nudge regulators to make changes for everyone.
Ding! Calif. Governor Vetos First-in-the-Nation Bill That Would Have Required Alert for Speeding Drivers
“If the Governor knew what it felt like to wake up each day without your child because of a speeding driver, he wouldn’t have hesitated for a single moment to sign this bill.”
Friday Video: ‘Car Kryptonite’ in Providence
See it! If you want to slow down drivers, you need to put things in the road.
Survey: Most Drivers Want Their Cars To Alert Them When They Hit Deadly Speeds
Turns out, not everyone thinks driving 100 miles an hour anywhere they wish is an inalienable American freedom.
Calif. Bill to Require Speed Control in Vehicles Goes Limp
Also passed yesterday were S.B 961, the Complete Streets bill, a bill on Bay Area transit funding, and a prohibition on state funding for Class III bikeways.