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‘Human Transit’ 2.0: How Mass Modes Make Us More Free

A classic book on transit gets an update for a radically transformed world. And, yes, Elon Musk gets a little shade.

February 8, 2024

Some Advocates Say Illinois Bill Police Stop Reform Bill Could Enable Deadly Driving

It would be totally counterproductive to try to prevent racial profiling by forcing officers to look the other way when motorists excessively speed or drive intoxicated.

February 7, 2024

…Or Should We Soak ‘Super-Drivers’ Instead of Subsidizing Them?

Piling subsidies on subsidies, even if well-meaning, fails to rein in the full cost of driving.

January 29, 2024

Should We Stop Subsidizing EVs For All and Focus on ‘Super-Drivers’?

Ten percent of U.S. drivers use 35 percent of our fuel. Instead of focusing on getting them in EVs, though, subsidies miss "super-users" and reinforce car dependency.

January 29, 2024

Check Out ‘America’s Best New Bike Lanes’

These are the best of the best in America. We wish there were 1,000 entries on this list, but, alas only 20.

January 26, 2024

Talking Headways Podcast: Are We Taking Fewer Trips?

This week, we’re joined by an absolute legend in the livable streets movement: Angie Schmitt, who talks about her positive feelings about the coming train boom.

January 25, 2024

Better Red Than Dead: New York Takes Up Camera Reauthorization, Expansion

If the legislature fails to pass a reauthorization, the city's red light cameras will go dark on Dec. 1. And they caught 700,000 drivers last year.

January 25, 2024