House Reps Urge Biden to Protect Active Transport, Transit Funding
Streetsblog Chicago checks in about what could done to help safeguard the future of walk/bike/transit in our region before Donald Trump takes office again.
New Federal Infrastructure Grants Awarded: Many in California
The USDOT will award infrastructure grants in a range of programs, and California will receive about $260 million for a mixed bag of 26 different projects.
One Hidden Reason Why Your State DOT Isn’t Building Protected Bike Lanes
"Proven safety countermeasures" might sound like a wonky engineering term, but it could hold the key to unlocking money to save lives.
Highway to Hell: Fed Infrastructure Funding, Even Under Biden, Has Been Terrible for the Environment
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was bad for the climate. Wait 'til you see the Unipartisan version.