Our Overbuilt Road Network Costs Americans Trillions in Lost Housing Opportunities
America has poured enough asphalt to build its sprawling auto-centric road network to cover the entire nation of the Netherlands.
Talking Headways Podcast: Rethinking Denver Along the South Platte River
Who even knew there was a river in Denver?
Should Communities That Suppress Housing Lose Their Road Funding?
A Colorado bill would require sprawling cities to take action to increase their affordable housing supply before they collect money to build more roads — and some want to take it national.
Living Without Refuge: How the Housing Crisis Fuels Traffic Violence
By design, the Vision Zero movement is data-driven, but traffic crash reports often do not report the housing status of victims.
Talking Headways Podcast: Real Estate Impacts at BART
One of the great assets of any transit system is its real estate — and how it's developed has a major impact on ridership and, therefore, farebox revenue.
Parking Spots are Turned into People Space as a Chicago Garage Becomes an Apartment Complex
The adaptive reuse of a 1920s parking garage at 3121 N. Broadway transformed it into new housing close to the 'L' and the Lakefront Trail.
Where Have All the Three-Bedrooms in Walkable Neighborhoods Gone?
Growing families are struggling to find homes that meet their needs — especially in people-centered places.
Your City May Be Rethinking Parking Rules
TransForm has a guide to help you advocate for smarter parking policies that can lead to a greater housing supply.
Legislation to Continue to Streamline Affordable Housing Barely Clears Calif. Assembly Committee
"We’re going to build housing again in California.”
The Walkable Neighborhoods Americans Want May Be Closer Than We Think
Walkable neighborhoods are a rare and valuable commodity in the U.S. housing market. But millions of places could be closer to the 15 Minute City ideal than we realize, a new study argued — if we made the modest policy changes they need to thrive.