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To Improve Equity, Car-Share Needs Subsidies, Large Coverage Area: Report

A team of researchers says that Los Angeles's "BlueLA" car-share program did indeed "increase transportation access for low-income travelers," but only due to "reduced-rate pricing," the report found.

November 24, 2023

OPINION: Infrastructure Bill Offers Too Little Progress on Climate and Equity

Most of its historic funding is helping to maintain a harmful status quo at a time when we need to address climate change.

November 16, 2023

Academics Conclude What We Already Know: Cyclists Are More Neighborly than Drivers

Cyclists are "better people" than drivers not only because of they get exercise or help the environment — they also have better ethics, a new study suggests.

October 31, 2023

L.A. Equity Assessments Finds Freeway Widening Projects are Good for Low Income Communities of Color, Actually

Metro says its "Transportation infrastructure investments must be targeted toward those with the greatest mobility needs first" but a recent perfunctory Metro equity assessment report calls the agency's commitment to equity into question.

October 27, 2023

Top Transit Org Lists the Equity-Focused Projects America Needs Right Now

Advocates are handing their DOTs a list of transformative transit projects that could heal the harms of the past — and a list of boondoggles that deserve to be scrapped.

October 10, 2023

New Federal Committee Will Push for Transportation Equity By Helping DOT Reckon With Its Past

“No one alive today is necessarily responsible for the origins of the [transportation] inequities that we inherited. But everybody who was alive today and in a position of responsibility, is accountable for what we do about it. That's why we're here.” 

September 28, 2023

Opinion: LA Should Pull Plug on Wasteful MicroTransit Pilot

Recent Metro documents try to put a positive spin on the $43 million Metro Micro pilot, but even the agency's own hagiography highlights flaws too numerous to ignore.

September 14, 2023

50 years after it was promised, Chicago’s Red Line Extension is slated to get a $1.973B grant

And fortunately, despite what the news release stated, the RLE is still predicted to cut the commute time from 130th to the Loop by 30 minutes.

September 8, 2023

Opinion: How Shared Micromobility Can Help the Low-Income

Micromobility can be a tool for economic mobility — but only if it's done right.

August 2, 2023