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Find Out Exactly How Much Your City Could Benefit By Investing In E-Bikes

Curious how much carbon — and cash — you and your neighbors could save if your government went big on electric bikes? Now you can find out.

November 2, 2023

NYC Mayor Uses Flimsy Data to Blame E-bikes for Rise in Cycling Deaths

The "proliferation" of e-bikes is "driving" a surge in cyclist death this year, City Hall claimed Tuesday.

October 18, 2023

Opinion: NYC E-Bike License Proposal Misses the Mark on Pedestrian Safety

A bill backed by a majority of City Council members would create a bureaucratic nightmare and discourage e-bike use while ignoring the root of the problem: lackluster infrastructure and unsafe work standards.

October 11, 2023

Study: How Low-Income People Really Use Micromobility

Shared bikes and scooters are meeting low-income people's basic mobility needs — but they're not being subsidized like it.

September 20, 2023

The Moped Crisis: Safe Streets Group Issues Policy Recommendations

The city needs to rein in illegal mopeds with a combination of cracking down on rogue vendors, building safer roads for all users and better educating users.

September 12, 2023

The Explainer: What’s the Idea Behind a NYC Law to Register E-Bikes?

A very controversial bill from a noted opponent of efforts to boost cycling has everyone in town — except its supporters — talking.

September 5, 2023

The Moped Crisis — An Analysis: New York City Needs a Systemic Fix, Justice for Workers and Accountability by Tech Giants

Mayhem — and, more accurately, the perception of mayhem — on the streets of the city is provoking a new backlash against delivery workers. But are poor workers really the ones to blame?

August 23, 2023

Four Ways To Spot a Bad E-Bike Article

A recent New York Times series shone a light on the potential "dangers" of e-bikes — and perpetuated dangerous tropes that need to be debunked.

August 9, 2023

Study: Most US Cyclists Say They’d Move To Cities That Offered to Buy Them E-Bikes

Could the humble e-bike credit become a powerful economic development tool?

August 3, 2023

Calif. Stop-as-Yield Bill Dropped… for Now? Forever?

Boerner's staff emphasize that the Assemblymember plans to continue working on the issue, but that as of now there are no details about what a "robust and comprehensive bike and e-bike safety bill package" might contain.

July 18, 2023