USDOT Warns Congress That Americans Need to Drive Less to Survive Climate Change
"The U.S. will not be able to decarbonize the transportation sector without addressing increased demand," a recent DOT report wrote. So why are so few transportation leaders doing it?
SEE IT: How Much (Or How Little) Driving is Going on in America’s Top Metros
Check it out: The lowest-mileage region isn't the one you'd think.
…Or Should We Soak ‘Super-Drivers’ Instead of Subsidizing Them?
Piling subsidies on subsidies, even if well-meaning, fails to rein in the full cost of driving.
Attempt to Undermine Calif. VMT Rules Becomes a Bill to Study Their Use Instead
The California Environmental Quality Act added Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as a way to measure transportation impacts, and sprawl supporters are unhappy about it.
Find Out Exactly How Much Your City Could Benefit By Investing In E-Bikes
Curious how much carbon — and cash — you and your neighbors could save if your government went big on electric bikes? Now you can find out.
NYC’s ‘Dangerous Vehicle Abatement’ Program Is About To Expire
The city's Dangerous Vehicle Abatement Program expires on Thursday. And there's no new strategy to deal with the worst of the worst recidivists, except to appeal to the state for new laws.
How the ‘Week Without Driving’ Helped CHI Elected Officials Understand The Challenges of Being Car-Free
This mobility justice campaign focuses on disability rights and racial equity.
How D.C. Is Sending Its Most Dangerous Drivers a Message
Can a simple letter in the mail get a dangerous motorists to drive more safely even when fines have failed to slow them down?
Chicago’s Downtown NASCAR Race Glorified Drivers, Ignored the Needs of Others
The Chicago and Illinois transportation departments, and the Chicago Park District, have gone out of their way to minimize the effect the race will have on local drivers, largely ignoring people on foot, bikes, and transit.
How Copenhagen Measures the Costs of Driving — And Crafts Policy to Reduce Them
The capital of Denmark is constantly doing the math on the true price of car culture. Could America follow their lead?