Check Out ‘America’s Best New Bike Lanes’
These are the best of the best in America. We wish there were 1,000 entries on this list, but, alas only 20.
Bike Buses Are Routes to Activism, Says First Global Survey
"This is the first significant piece of bike bus research we’ve come across, but it surely won’t be the last."
Electeds Roll Out ‘Bike Safe’ Campaign While Admitting Cars are the Real Source of Danger
A trio of elected officials on the West Side are asking cyclists to be more mindful of pedestrians on the sidewalk, stop at red lights, and refrain from biking the wrong way in traffic.
Who’s Afraid of a Class-3 E-Bike?
A 28-mile-per-hour e-bike sounds like frightening prospect to pedestrians. But is that the reality of riding it?
L.A. Times Does Excellent Deep Dive on Dooring
The Times speaks to drivers, a majority of Times readers, while also affirming the lives of cyclists. The article concisely explains terms - dooring, sharrows, protected bike lanes - that are common for cyclists, but little understood by the broader general public.
Take A Virtual Ride On Chicago’s Newest Protected Bike Lane
The project appears to be pretty much finished, but I'm double checking that no additional concrete, flexi-posts, or paint are planned.
‘Fuck Cars’: Comics Enraged After Brooklyn-Based Performer is Killed by Driver
Comedians are calling out the dangers of cars and the need for better cycling infrastructure after one of their own was killed by a driver while biking in Brooklyn last week.
S.F. Journalist Fans Anti-Bike Hate
Advocates were outraged by Friday's feature story that repeats the tired stereotype of the scofflaw, Spandex-clad cyclist.
Automated Bike Lane Enforcement Laws Are Taking Off — And So Is Camera Tech
A new AI-equipped technology helps cities identify when drivers park in unprotected lanes — and possibly, hit them with fines.
Advocates Unite to Start a Worldwide Bike Bus Revolution
Bike buses have taken the internet by storm. Now, a new organization is working to launch them all over the world.