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Wednesday’s Headlines Release the Hounds

Greyhound's new owner told Smart Cities Dive the company plans to relocate bus terminals to public transit stations.

August 21, 2024

Car-Free in Dallas?! It Can Be Done!

Our op-ed columnist went back to the Big D last year for a high school reunion and was pleasantly surprised by some of what she saw.

August 21, 2024

Is America Ready for the Equity Impacts of the AV Revolution?

As high-profile crashes with driverless cars make headlines, should policymakers be paying attention to the less-discussed impacts of the AV revolution — especially for society's most marginalized?

August 21, 2024

Eyes on the street: Completing the DNC Security Perimeter Ride by bicycle

Yesterday afternoon, Streetsblog CHI took a spin on the closest streets surrounding the Democratic National Convention that police were allowing non-attendees to access. Here's what they found.

August 20, 2024

Tuesday’s Headlines Get Onboard the Harris/Walz Campaign

Transit, bike and safe streets advocates think the Democratic ticket is not a train in vain. Plus, revisiting the timeless societal benefits of bicycles.

August 20, 2024

OPINION: Public Space is Getting Bland — Better Programming is The Answer

The easiest way to make public space reflect its neighborhood is by programming it to attract locals.

August 20, 2024

This Single Photo of a Packed Trolley Illustrates the Ups and Downs of US Public Transit

The last national transit boom can explain the challenges that confront modern transit agencies, says the author of "The Great American Transit Disaster."

August 20, 2024

Rail Reflections from the California Zephyr

"Train travel connects you with your surroundings in a way that flying over states or driving in an individual car cannot."

August 19, 2024

Calling Out In Transit: ‘Train Lovers for Harris-Walz’ Raise $12K in One Zoom Room

The goal was to raise money and to galvanize attention on the least weird thing around: good public transit. 

August 19, 2024

Monday’s News Goes from Bad to Worse

Black Americans are 12 percent of the population but accounted for 34 percent of increased traffic deaths from 2020 to 2022. Plus other news.

August 19, 2024