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Today's Headlines

Wednesday’s Headlines Want to Put the AV Genie Back in the Bottle

Self-driving cars, Teslas, transit and other news.

Photo: Mobileye, an Intel Company|

A self-driving vehicle from Mobileye.

  • Federal regulators have opened multiple probes in the safety of self-driving cars, but is too late to put the genie back in the bottle? (Fast Company)
  • A class-action lawsuit against Tesla for false advertising about it's so-called "self driving" feature can move forward, a federal judge ruled. (Reuters)
  • Amtrak is partnering with a Japanese bullet train manufacturer to revive a Dallas-to-Houston line that could finally spark a high-speed rail revolution in the U.S. (CityLab)
  • Texas spent $18 billion building highways in 2022, and the sources of all that funding are rather opaque. (KERA)
  • The Federal Transit Administration put up $3.4 billion for a new Bay Area transfer station. (SFist)
  • A climate change researcher calls on Seattle to spend more on transit and less on road paving. (The Stranger)
  • Just days after the head of the Federal Highway Administration visited the Port of Savannah to tout a new charging station for electric semi trucks, a small-town zoning board unexpectedly killed the project. (Morning News)
  • Construction work will shut down light rail in downtown Denver starting Sunday. (Westword)
  • Minnesota and St. Paul are already great places to bike, so now attention is turning to how to retrofit the suburbs. (
  • Wisconsin cities are seeing varying levels of success with e-scooters since the state started regulating them five years ago. (Wisconsin Public Radio)
  • April was the second-busiest month on record for Washington, D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare. (Greater Greater Washington)
  • Phoenix's Valley Metro is installing public art along the new Southwest light rail line. (SignalAZ)

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