It's contest time again, and competition is going to be stiff for this one. After handing out a Streetsie award for the best street transformation in America at the end of 2014, we're going to do some good old public shaming this time: Help us find the most neglected, dangerous, and all around sorriest bus stop in the United States.
Most bus stops don't amount to much more than a stick in the ground. No shelter, no schedule, and nowhere to sit. Better bus stops would mean people could walk to transit without taking their life in their hands, and that transit riders could wait for the bus with dignity. This contest will provide definitive evidence that transit agencies and DOTs have to do a lot better.
The above example comes from Atlanta's notorious Buford Highway, where pedestrian infrastructure of all types has been completely neglected in favor of wide open asphalt.
It will be hard to top the example below, however. That's an actual bus stop in Cleveland. The only indication is a very small RTA logo under the highway sign for 71 South (you might have to zoom in to actually spot it). What exactly people are supposed to do when they get off the bus here is unclear, but it's a sorry statement about how seriously Ohio DOT takes bus riders' needs.

If there's an awful bus stop where you live, send us your pictures of it along with a written description of the context, and we'll put the worst up to a popular vote. You can leave an entry in the comments or email it to angie [at] streetsblog [dot] org.