- Plenty of Pain, No Train for Florida as Illinois Snags $186 Million (The Hill)
- Commanding Majorities of Mayors Favor Higher Gas Taxes (T4America)
- No Surprise Here: Drivers Shift to Transit When Gas Prices Soar (AltTransport)
- Amtrak Shrinks and a Simile from Grist that Will Make Men Wince
- Bin Laden Notes Stoke Fears of Terrorist Attack on Trains (WSJ)
- Here's Why Oil Prices Took a Temporary Dive Yesterday (NYT)
- Reminder: "Drilling in Every U.S. Orifice Isn't Going to Lower Gas Prices" (Mother Jones)
- Reps. Matsui and LaTourette Lead on Complete Streets (LAB)
- EPADOE: A Match Made in Bureaucratic Heaven? (Politico)
- Cycle Track Planning -- There's an App for That (Santa Cruz Sentinel)
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