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- NBC Nightly News spotlights the national transit budget crisis .. (see above video)
- ... as New Jersey becomes the latest state to weigh double-digit fare hikes (Daily Finance)
- Rep. Mica (R-FL) urges Tampa officials to make sure that the region's future high-speed rail line can connect to local transit (TB Online)
- Governments around the world are said to be spending $500B a year subsidizing fossil fuels, according to a raft of a new Obama administration-directed study (Climate Progress)
- The fatal June accident on D.C.'s rail network will cost the local transit agency $25.5m (Examiner)
- "Buy American" rules for federal stimulus spending are getting waived to help install energy-efficient road and crosswalk lighting (NYT Blogs)
- Ed Glaeser takes on the "anti-urban bias" in federal policymaking (Globe)
- One U.S. DOT aide makes a write-in case for LaHood as an enviro "change agent of the year" (TreeHugger)
- Senate Democratic leaders depict an aviation bill as part of their jobs agenda ... (Roll Call)
- ... as Republicans move towards a second attempt to filibuster the still-unsigned $15B jobs bill (NYT)