Commentary: There is Zero Ambiguity to the West Portal Tragedy
What happened in West Portal was entirely predictable and preventable. The city must now close Ulloa to through traffic and make sure it can never happen again.
Why We Can’t End Violence on Transit With More Police
Are more cops the answer to violence against transit workers, or is it only driving societal tensions that make attacks more frequent?
Pressure is mounting to replace embattled CTA President Dorval Carter
Here's a look at what elected officials and other media outlets have said about the issue recently.
How Transit Is Helping West Virginia Battle the Opioid Crisis
Government programs are filling the gaps in care and transportation access for people struggling with addiction in the Mountain State.
‘Transit Hardship’: Report Shows Why Fair Fares Must Be Expanded to More Workers
A new report on transit fares has found that more than one-in-five moderate-income residents is “affordability hardship.”
Talking Headways Podcast: Public Sentiment and Public Transit
Adelee Le Grandand Scott Wilkinson chat about how transit agencies can get a better handle on how riders and non-riders alike feel about their service.
California Launches New Transportation Equity Tool
The Transportation Equity Index maps out crash rates and creates a new way to map out multimodal access.
‘Human Transit’ 2.0: How Mass Modes Make Us More Free
A classic book on transit gets an update for a radically transformed world. And, yes, Elon Musk gets a little shade.
Study: Subsidizing Transit Actually Makes It More Efficient
Generations of pundits have argued that operating subsidies enfeeble transit agencies and allow them to run inefficient routes with tons of empty seats. A new study says the opposite is true.
Could This Bill Finally Give Transit Agencies the Operations Funding They Need?
Is it finally time for Congress to spend more to keep the buses and trains running?