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Congestion Pricing

The Dynamically Priced City

How can dynamic pricing make our cities better, beyond tolling drivers?

March 21, 2024

Supporters of NYC Congestion Pricing Outnumbered Foes 2-1

Pro-congestion pricing commenters nearly doubled the number of people opposed to the forthcoming tolls during the MTA's final round of public input.

March 19, 2024

On Eve of Congestion Pricing, Plate Scams at NYC Bridge Tolls are Way Up

About 1.5 percent of the cars that passed through the MTA's bridges and tunnels in 2023 had unbillable license plates. And that number is up.

February 29, 2024

Congestion Pricing Disability Exemption Is Easy to Scam with a Few Mouse Clicks

Disabled driver plates, especially those from out of state, are easy to get and aren't always even used to transport disabled people who are entitled to a toll exemption.

February 21, 2024

NYC Teachers Union Prez: You Can’t Expect My Members To Ride The Train Or Bus!

Teachers don't like using transit, and have been enabled to feel that way thanks to the parking placards they were gifted in the de Blasio era.

January 4, 2024

They’re Driving To America: Neil Diamond Musical’s Anti-Congestion Pricing Stunt Irks New Yorkers

It's a song sung blue: A Broadway producer is so opposed to congestion pricing that he'll refund the still-non-existent toll to see his show.

December 27, 2023

MTA: N.J. Slept Through the Entire Congestion Pricing Environmental Review

"New Jersey’s claim that it was deprived of adequate opportunities to consult on the project is revisionist history," the MTA's attorneys wrote.

December 19, 2023

The Explainer: What’s Next for Congestion Pricing?

Let's run through the major issues still looming over New York City's first-in-the-nation congestion toll.

December 4, 2023

Komanoff: Congestion Pricing Fee Plan is Solid

Here’s what’s to like about the Traffic Mobility Review Board's central business district toll recommendations. It's a lot!

December 1, 2023