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Congestion Pricing

Komanoff: Actually, Small Businesses Stand to Benefit from Congestion Pricing

There may be no more pernicious fabulation than that small businesses in the congestion zone will suffer when fewer motorists drive in. Let's debunk.

June 11, 2024

N.Y. Gov. Hochul’s Bid to Stop Congestion Pricing Might Be Illegal

But she may be off the hook because the feds have still not undertaken what would have been the final bureaucratic step.

June 10, 2024

Opinion: Gov. Hochul Risks Handing Donald Trump the Keys To NYC’s Transportation Future

Is this really the way a New York Democrat wants her legacy on transit and climate change to play out?

June 6, 2024

Two Huge Questions About ‘Gridlock Gov.’ Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Delay

Can she even do this? And does she have a revenue plan? Maybe and no seem to be the answers.

June 6, 2024

Four Ways that NY Gov. Hochul’s Cancelation of Congestion Pricing is Bad for America

The plan was always controversial, but supporters have rightly pointed out that politicians need to act boldly, lest our society fail to meet its stated goals.

June 5, 2024

NY Gov. Hochul Should Read Gov. Hochul’s Press Releases about the Benefits of Congestion Pricing

Gov. Hochul once touted the central business tolling plan as "powerful" and "transformative" for the city. That was then.

June 5, 2024

Letter from Sweden: Congestion Pricing is Going to Be Great … With a Few Bumps

Swedes, even drivers, were stunned to hear that a majority of New York-area residents oppose congestion pricing.

May 16, 2024

LETTER FROM SWEDEN: Congestion Pricing Will Make New York a World-Class City

The choice is ours, New York: We can live in a nice, calm, pleasant and economically vibrant European-styled civilization, or we can continue to drive ourselves straight to ruin.

May 13, 2024

OPINION: Congestion Pricing Will Help My Family Get Around As We Navigate Cancer Treatment

My partner was recently diagnosed with cancer. Congestion pricing will make getting her to treatment faster and easier.

May 3, 2024

New Jersey’s Case Against Congestion Pricing Hits Troubled Waters

The Garden State's lawyer exposed the holes in its case by failing to cite any provision to back his claim that "the obligation of NEPA is to mitigate everywhere you find impacts."

April 5, 2024