Bike Lanes
U.S. DOT Orders Review of All Grants Related to Green Infrastructure, Bikes
U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy is coming for our bike lanes — and the time to act is now.
OPINION: Slow Down on Our Bike Paths!
Our bike lanes have become what social critic Ivan Illich once defined as degraded public space. Here's one possible fix.
New from NACTO: Here’s How Your City Can Embrace Biking
Bike's are the fastest-growing mode of transportation — here's how to make the best of it.
Bus-ted! NYC Mayor Failed to Improve Commutes for the Poorest Workers
New York City continued its annual tradition of failing miserably to install the legally required miles of bus lanes
New Camera Tech Hopes to Stop Drivers From Close-Passing Cyclists
If only policymakers could fully experience the pervasive problem of drivers passing too closely to cyclists perhaps they'd find a way to stop the deadly practice and get victims justice.
Friday Video: What if We Let Bike Haters on Social Media Plan Our Cities?
Spoiler: nothing good!
Should We Stop Calling Bike Lanes ‘Bike Lanes’?
"Bike lanes" and "bike-friendly policies" can slow dangerous car traffic, give walkers more space to move, and save lives across all modes by getting would-be drivers into the saddle instead. Is it time for a rebrand?
Check Out All the New Bikeways Chicago is Getting Next Year
The Ward Wise civic tech group at Chi Hack Night put together the map, and graciously allowed Streetsblog to publish it.
Measure HLA Is Now Officially Law for L.A. City
Check the city maps to find what bus, bike, and walk improvements are coming to streets in your neighborhood.