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Automated Enforcement

Op-Ed: Why It’s So Hard to Get a Simple Red Light Camera

A Los Angeles advocate requested automated enforcement on a street near her home. It wasn't easy.

December 11, 2023

Automated Bike Lane Enforcement Laws Are Taking Off — And So Is Camera Tech

A new AI-equipped technology helps cities identify when drivers park in unprotected lanes — and possibly, hit them with fines.

November 17, 2023

Is Safety Really Calif. DOT’s ‘Top Priority’?

“No one at Caltrans should be using the word ‘safety’ while [their] engineers continue to condescend to the families of the dead victims of [their] roadway designs.”

November 9, 2023

NYC’s ‘Dangerous Vehicle Abatement’ Program Is About To Expire

The city's Dangerous Vehicle Abatement Program expires on Thursday. And there's no new strategy to deal with the worst of the worst recidivists, except to appeal to the state for new laws.

October 25, 2023

How AI Could Transform Transportation — And Not Just Autonomous Vehicles

Artificial intelligence is being installed in ours — but that's not the only place it's showing up. A new report explores what cities need to know about the emerging tech in order to use it well.

October 17, 2023

San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose to Finally get Speed Cameras

“The data is incredibly clear that speed kills. Automated speed enforcement will save lives."

October 16, 2023

CA Legislature Passes Speed Camera Bill

Now it's up to Governor Newsom to sign it.

September 13, 2023

Success: NY Drivers are Slowing Down on Streets with 24/7 Speed Cameras

Violations dropped 30 percent over the course of the first year of 24/7 speed camera enforcement.

August 28, 2023

Streetsblog to New York City: We’ll See You in Court!

There is no way to assess the success of the Dangerous Vehicle Abatement Program if the DOT won't provide basic information.

August 21, 2023